(Update): Young Mother’s Family NEEDS OUR HELP



(Update): Young Mother’s Family NEEDS OUR HELP

From Brandon; her husband:

Since it was first determined that my wife, Lacey had cancer; several things have been done.  First thing: on April 7th she had tumors removed from the neck spine all the way from C2 through C7 (all but one bone in the neck).  After everything was removed they had to use cadaver bones, several pins, rods, screws to fuse her neck together. About May 10th she was healed enough from the neck surgery to start a 4 week long process of radiation therapy on her neck to prevent any other tumors from spreading into the spinal cord. This was very hard for her and I both. We had to drive 2 hours round trip to the hospital Monday through Friday for 4 weeks. Around July 1st Lacey started taking an oral chemotherapy drug called Sutent. This was meant to be a cycle of 28 days on and 14 days off. On July 30th just 2 days after Lacey had finished her first cycle she was having lots of stomach pain and vomiting 5 to 7 times a day. On the night of the 30th I took her to the ER and they admitted her but couldn’t find anything wrong. On August 3rd after several days of vomiting and pretty much sleeping 20 out of 24 hours a day the doctors had decided to do an upper GI test to see if there was something wrong with her stomach. Just minutes after she started receiving a general anesthetic that she had received before her throat, tongue, and face started swelling to the point that she stopped breathing. After 2 minutes of the doctors trying to get a tube down her throat so she could breath, Lacey’s heart stopped. The doctors and staff performed CPR for over 2 mins and they were able to bring her back. At this point they had to put in a tracheotomy because she had gone without oxygen to the brain for over 5 minutes. When I was first given the news from the doctors they had informed me to prepare for the worst and to notify the family. On the night of August 3rd around 8pm the doctors had decided to put her in a medically induced coma for 48 to 72 hours to prevent any damage to the brain. During that process they would monitor brain activity and temperature of the body as she was also placed on life support to control her breathing. This all was extremely hard! All I kept thinking was how in the world am I going to tell our kids that mommy isn’t coming home. Instead I decided to pray for my wife! Gave all me fears to God. After 13 days in the hospital…she’s home. Just today (August 18th) we went back to the doctors for a visit and they are still not sure what happened and what caused the swelling. As you can expect this is a major setback of her chemotherapy process. Thanks for your help!

As you just read, it’s taking a mental and physical toll on them.  They are hopeful for the best and doing everything they can to overcome.

If you feel strongly compelled to donate: www.GoFundMe.com/26p6dyc

If she’s up for it and can handle it.  I would LOVE for these funds (your financial gift) to allow for them to do things together as a family that they NEED to do to cement in her children’s minds amazing memories with Mom.  Let’s help make this happen to whatever extent that is.

We all have something to offer to help someone in greater need than us.

My sincerest gratitude for your selfless act.


Dr. Jason Harrison
MAXLIFE Chiropractic
9865 E. 116th St., #150
Fishers, IN 46037
317-808-5675: Office
317-808-5677: Fax

(Update): Young Mother’s Family NEEDS OUR HELP