Ever wonder why you have an issue…one that comes and goes and never quite goes away?
Issues are created a number of ways: injury (minor or major). The reason for having an issue when this is the case, is easier to recall and pinpoint when it happened.
How about the times when you can’t recall a specific “thing” that happened that you can trace your issue back to?
More than likely it was the result of a repetitive activity that you’ve performed either for weeks or months, but more than likely years that has finally caught up with you.
The way we sit, stand, sleep, drive, activities at work, and our favorite hobbies put our body parts in positions where we’re constantly using them in a certain way that causes them to “wear out”. Well, not exactly wear out, but the opportunity for destruction (arthritis of the muscles and/or bones, muscle spasms and/or scar tissue) is definitely a possibility. Sometimes pain and aggravation are associated with these areas along the way, but not always…until the issue is really bad.
So what can be done about it?
Using your body parts in different ways are absolutely key. Different activities require different muscle usage. Doing the same set of things over and over again can increase the likelihood that these areas are going to cause you issues; sooner rather than later.
What are other ways to prevent these types of things from happening: stretching (either by yourself or with someone else’s assistance), chiropractic adjustments, lifestyle advice, massage, traction, conservative pain management interventions, soft tissue work, downtime from time to time to allow your body to heal and rest, proper nutrition, etc…
The less stress than accumulates on your body as time goes on from chemical, physical, and mental stress; the more equipped your body is to handle whatever you would ask of it.
Remember: we’re all aging…there’s no denying that, but make sure the decisions you’re making aren’t speeding up the process. As we age, the abuse and neglect are bodies have experienced along the way have a way greater chance of showing up at some point.
There’s never been a better time than now to make the necessary choices to ensure your future is a life you can be proud of…and you’ll have a great amount of satisfaction knowing it didn’t happen by accident!
See you at your next set of adjustments and soft tissue work to start living a more MAXimized LIFEstyle!
– Thanks for your trust and support
- Stay tuned into the website, Facebook, dry erase board at office, emails, etc… for postings on health and wellness tips and the latest updates with regards to giving you the best experience at MAXLIFE!
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Visit the Website at: www.MaxLifeChiroFishers.com or FishersChiroGroup.com
Dr. Jason Harrison
MAXLIFE Chiropractic
9865 E. 116th St., #150
Fishers, IN 46037
317-808-5675: Office
317-808-5677: Fax