Everyone that comes in has a different history of what’s happened to them (good, bad, indifferent). Not any two people will ever be in the same situation. Body composition, age, diet, psychological stress, physical traumas (slips, trips, falls, accidents, injuries), etc… are all factors.
Most of the issues we have the opportunity to work on are due to “overuse”; areas of the body being over-stressed from our work situations, our home life activities and/or hobbies. Most issues aren’t necessarily due to major traumas, but more so minor traumas repetitiously happening.
The goal with everyone is to size up the situation to provide customized care that’s in that individuals’ best interests.
Two things need to be accomplished: feeling good and full function (with no limitations and someone not living cautiously; within realistic expectations). Feeling good always comes first. Underlying issues going away and someone returning to pre-injury status does take longer.
Everyone responds at their own pace. Severity of the issue(s), how long they’ve been there, and someones overall health are major considerations when predicting someones response to care and how long it will take. Some people need acute care for 6 visits, while someone else might need 26 or more, it varies from one individual to the next based upon what’s been previously described.
Each visit builds upon the previous one with regards to care. There are improvements that are occurring on a per visit basis, some are easier to recognize more so than others, but most are subtle vs. profound.
The less time someone’s been dealing with an issue, the quicker it usually goes away. Children and those with new issues usually respond the quickest. Just remember: “early and often” to overcome and put something behind you when issues arise, which is inevitably going to happen to all of us.
After acute care has gotten the individual to at or near 100% or maximum improvement, protecting that investment is crucial for the upkeep of the body. Wellness care is either once a week, once every two weeks, once every three weeks, or even once every four weeks. For everybody based upon how easily stress builds on their body, it’s different. Remember: chemical stress, mental stress and physical stress all create physical stress manifestations on the body. If these areas of stress build-up on the body aren’t released, the downward spiral on someone’s health continues.
Adjustments, soft tissue work, traction, and massage, etc… increases the nerve flow, blood flow, lymph system flow, etc… while removing interference and obstructions that are preventing your body from working at optimal levels.
The reason someone responds to acute care situations are the same reasons someone would respond effectively to chronic care or even wellness care as well. Chiropractors remove the interference to the master control system of the body, the nervous system (the highway of nerves that travel all throughout the body). The nervous system is what’s responsible for how we interpret what’s going on in our lives, we live our life through it!
See you at your next set of adjustments and soft tissue work to start living a more MAXimized LIFEstyle!