Massage and Chiropractic at MaxLife Chiropractic in Fishers (A Message From Our Massage Therapist)


From the Desk of: Emily Moore, CMT (MaxLife’s Massage Therapist) Chiropractic and massage therapy are compatible forms of health care that share a common goal. Both offer natural hands-on, drug-free techniques that can be used as a preventative as well as a maintenance approach.  When used in combination, they help you maintain your optimum health and allow you to MAXimize your LIFE to the fullest!  Both therapies work together to speed up recovery time.Massage therapy is often recommended as preparation for chiropractic adjustments because it relieves muscle tension that may be pulling joints out of alignment, making it easier to move …

Massage and Chiropractic at MaxLife Chiropractic in Fishers (A Message From Our Massage Therapist)

Why Chiropractic and Why MaxLife?


Why Chiropractic and Why MaxLife? If you are contemplating or haven’t gotten around to giving that strong recommendation to someone in need of care…the following is what we think sets us apart from other chiropractors and other health care practices. On the other hand, if you haven’t set aside time to have your issues worked on that are only going to inevitably get worse as time goes on…this message is for you as well. I always say, “when you have issues, EARLY and OFTEN are the only words that should cross your mind”.  Issues are the easiest to deal with the …

Why Chiropractic and Why MaxLife?

Fishers Chiropractor; Holiday Tips (Stretches/Exercises/Dietary Advice)


Stretching/Weight Training Advice & Being Mentally Prepared for the Holiday’s! A conversation I often have: the younger one is… the stronger they want to be.  The older one is… the more flexible they want to be.  As you get older accomplishing both takes even more time than it did when you were younger.  Get into the habit of doing physical activities and stretching.  Both will help you with your overall health condition.  I often get asked; “how often should I stretch?”  For those that are reactive; stretch targeted muscles until tightness goes away.  For those that are proactive (full body stretching); stretch once in …

Fishers Chiropractor; Holiday Tips (Stretches/Exercises/Dietary Advice)

Fishers Chiropractor: Collecting Coats 4 Kids (& Adults)


  Please help us, help others! Collecting: Coats 4 Kids (& Adults) According to the Good Samaritan Network, Hamilton County has at least 16,000 people who are living below the poverty level.  Please help us keep our kids warm and cozy by donating new or gently used coats, mittens, gloves, hats, or boots. Has your child outgrown any coats around your house?  Have you outgrown a coat yourself or no longer wear certain ones? We our collecting coats and accessories between:  Now & Thursday, 10/8/15, 6pm We are in need of clean coats, mittens, gloves, hats and boots (all sizes: infants …

Fishers Chiropractor: Collecting Coats 4 Kids (& Adults)

Fishers Chiropractor: Common Extremity Issues & Solutions


  Do Chiropractors work on anything besides the spine? Do Chiropractors work on the arms and legs? What are some common non-spine related issues Chiropractors work on? Are there solutions for problems with the feet besides having adjustments and soft tissue work? As a Chiropractor, one thing I’m not the best at and as a profession we’re not very good at…informing others that we work on the extremities (shoulder, hip, knee, ankles, elbows, wrists) ALONG with the spine.  I’ve sought out special techniques to work on very common, everyday issues.  Those that are afflicted have come to expect their bodies to perform at …

Fishers Chiropractor: Common Extremity Issues & Solutions

TEN things to do of-TEN


TEN things to do of-TEN 1. Stretch (Loosens up the bound up tissue on the body from overuse and/or injury (i.e. muscle spasms, scar tissue).  The perfect time is right out of the shower in the morning and right before bed in the evening.  If you need help with this, let Dr. Harrison know at your next visit for specific stretches for your situation. 2. Drink More Water (A high percentage (around 70%) of our body is made up of this essential liquid, stay hydrated).  Take it easy with the soft drinks, alcohol, energy drinks, etc… 3. Exercise (This should …

TEN things to do of-TEN

4 Supplements 4 Health, Performance & Prevention


Supplementation for those looking to enhance performance, improve your health and for prevention. What are some key supplements all could benefit tremendously from and why? There are 3 forms of stress that affect us all (mental, physical and CHEMICAL).  How is your diet and if it’s not where it should be…what are you doing about it?  It’s never too late to come up with a game plan…the sooner you start, the better. These are the 4 most common ones I’ve come across from multiple sources over the last 9 years in practice. Multi-Vitamin: This bridges the gap between your diet …

4 Supplements 4 Health, Performance & Prevention

Repetition & Destruction, Solutions


Repetition and the Destruction it can cause…and what to do about it! Ever wonder why you have an issue…one that comes and goes and never quite goes away? Issues are created a number of ways: injury (minor or major).  The reason for having an issue when this is the case, is easier to recall and pinpoint when it happened. How about the times when you can’t recall a specific “thing” that happened that you can trace your issue back to? More than likely it was the result of a repetitive activity that you’ve performed either for weeks or months, but more than …

Repetition & Destruction, Solutions

Course of Care Expectations and What’s Available After Acute Care Comes To a Close


Everyone that comes in has a different history of what’s happened to them (good, bad, indifferent).  Not any two people will ever be in the same situation.  Body composition, age, diet, psychological stress, physical traumas (slips, trips, falls, accidents, injuries), etc… are all factors. Most of the issues we have the opportunity to work on are due to “overuse”; areas of the body being over-stressed from our work situations, our home life activities and/or hobbies.  Most issues aren’t necessarily due to major traumas, but more so minor traumas repetitiously happening. The goal with everyone is to size up the situation to provide customized …

Course of Care Expectations and What’s Available After Acute Care Comes To a Close

Fishers Chiropractor: Grand Opening; One Night Only; Special Offers!


In celebration of our  1-year anniversary  we’re going to have a Grand Opening! Tuesday night, May 5, from 6pm-8pm. Complimentary adjustments, massage, exercises, stretches, health tests, etc… will be provided. Have you received any of the above recently, or are you overdue? Is your health not quite where you know it should be? Have you tried any natural, conservative, non-invasive procedures that may be better than the alternatives (injections, medication, surgery)? Dr. Jason Harrison (Chiropractor), Emily Moore (Massage Therapist), Mike Lewkowicz (Personal Trainer), Greg Golden (Acupuncturist) will be on hand to answer any questions you or a guest may have …

Fishers Chiropractor: Grand Opening; One Night Only; Special Offers!