Fishers Chiropractor: Grand Opening; One Night Only; Special Offers!


In celebration of our 

1-year anniversary 

we’re going to have a Grand Opening!

Tuesday night, May 5, from 6pm-8pm.

  • Complimentary adjustments, massage, exercises, stretches, health tests, etc… will be provided.

Have you received any of the above recently, or are you overdue?
Is your health not quite where you know it should be?
Have you tried any natural, conservative, non-invasive procedures that may be better than the alternatives (injections, medication, surgery)?

Dr. Jason Harrison (Chiropractor), Emily Moore (Massage Therapist), Mike Lewkowicz (Personal Trainer), Greg Golden (Acupuncturist) will be on hand to answer any questions you or a guest may have about what they do.  They will provide a sample of their services at no charge for you to get an idea as to how and why they could help you with your overall health concerns.

  • Everyone in attendance will receive a FREE half hour massage, to be used at a later date.
  • Half Hour massages can be purchased for $20 (regular $40), Full Hour massages can be purchased for $35 (regular $70); limit of 3/person.   You must be present to purchase massage certificates.
  • New Patient Appointments can be purchased for $69 (regular $217); please let your friends, family and co-workers know about this great offer!  You must be present to purchase this special offer.
  • Everyone in attendance will be entered into a drawing to win 1 of 4 $50 Gift Cards to either
    “The Oceanaire: Seafood Room” or “Morton’s, The Steakhouse” (your choice).

Please RSVP (317-808-5675) by 6pm, Thursday, April 30th to get on the list (limited to first 100 people).  We will need to know what service(s) you’re interested in when you call in.

→→→→→   Refreshments will be provided!

Hip Pain, Back Pain, Sciatica, Shoulder Pain, Numbness/Tingling, Neck Pain, Headaches, Plantar Fasciitis, Runner’s Knee, Disc Issues, Pre-Natal Care, Pediatrics…what underlying issues need to be addressed for you?

Maybe you’re in a good place and just need Maintenance Care to be pro-active and for prevention purposes…we offer that service as well!  This is something we highly recommend for everyone.  There’s no need to live your life only seeking out services valuable for your health just when your body is failing you.  Why not always strive to be your best!  Adjustments, massage, soft tissue work, stretches, and exercises are extremely beneficial for the care of the body.  Just like a house or vehicle, if not taken care of…they fall apart, your body is no different.

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of intervention!”

Thank you and have a great day!  See you soon!

Dr. Jason Harrison

  • Stay tuned into the website, Facebook, dry erase board at office, emails, etc… for postings on health and wellness tips and the latest updates with regards to giving you the best experience at MAXLIFE!
To Find Out More:
Check us out on Facebook: the Website at: or
There are ENDLESS POSSIBILITIES when you remove the interference that’s “locking” up the bodies potential!

Dr. Jason Harrison
MAXLIFE Chiropractic
9865 E. 116th St., #150
Fishers, IN 46037
317-808-5675: Office
317-808-5677: Fax

“Your Fishers Chiropractor”

Fishers Chiropractor: Grand Opening; One Night Only; Special Offers!